Lisburne Special School
Inclusive Leadership
The school has developed skilled leaders with great expertise in inclusive practice from Early Years through the primary phase. They are at the forefront of development and research in special education.
Delegated Leadership
A large leadership team across three sites has increased capacity, supported by high-quality training. This enables outreach and enhances the overall leadership team's effectiveness.
Early Years Safety and Success
Early Years is a safe environment where children thrive, reflecting the inclusion of SEND at this critical stage.
Relational Approaches
The school emphasises creating a safe and secure environment for learners, focusing on personal and social development, enabling children to build deep, meaningful bonds and interact confidently.
Strategic Planning
The Headteacher excels in strategic planning, with a clear understanding of staff capacity and the complex needs of the children and families in the community.
Exemplary Practice
The school is an example of excellence in meeting the needs of all learners through a robust pathways model, which could be adapted and integrated across the Trust.
Restorative Practices
The school has embedded restorative approaches and zones of de-escalation, which form part of the broader offer across the Trust.